WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.


10 Best Disposable Vapes to Quit Smoking 2024

Electronic cigarettes first appeared as a healthier alternative to smoking, and although the possible health risks are not yet fully understood, vaping is almost universally accepted as being far less dangerous than tobacco.

However, since there are so many models to choose from, it can be hard to decide which will work as the most effective substitute for tobacco – so to help, in this post, we give you our picks for the 10 best disposable vapes to quit smoking to give you some of the top options.

The Best Disposable Vapes to Quit Smoking In 2024

1. Spiritbar Tron 20000

Our Top Pick

$34.99$14.99 (Free Shipping, 2-6 Days Delivery)

  • Full-Screen Display
  • Smooth & Boost Adjustable Two Models
  • 25ml E-liquid Capacity
  • 50mg Strength
  • Up to 20000 Puffs

The Spiritbar Tron 20000 puffs device offers features that make it a suitable choice for those looking to quit smoking. One of the key advantages is its adjustable models, which allow users to choose between single or double coil configurations. The single coil model is an excellent option for individuals aiming to quit smoking as it provides a milder and smoother vaping experience.

When transitioning from traditional cigarettes to vaping, it’s essential to gradually reduce nicotine intake to avoid withdrawal symptoms and cravings. The single coil model’s lower nicotine delivery can help smokers gradually wean themselves off nicotine without experiencing severe withdrawal effects. This gradual approach increases the chances of successfully quitting smoking and maintaining abstinence in the long run.

Furthermore, the device’s generous 25ml e-liquid capacity allows users to vape for extended periods without the need for frequent refilling. This feature can be particularly beneficial for those who are in the early stages of quitting smoking, as they may find themselves vaping more frequently to combat cravings.

While the device offers a 50mg nicotine strength option, it is advisable for smokers trying to quit to start with lower nicotine concentrations and gradually reduce their intake over time. The ability to adjust the nicotine level is crucial in managing withdrawal symptoms and cravings, making the transition to a smoke-free lifestyle more manageable.

Additionally, the impressive 20,000 puffs count ensures that users can enjoy a consistent vaping experience without the need for frequent device replacements or interruptions. This long-lasting performance can provide a sense of convenience and reliability, which can be essential for smokers embarking on the challenging journey of quitting.

Overall, the Spiritbar Tron 20000 puffs device, with its adjustable models, smooth coil option, and ample e-liquid capacity, presents a viable choice for smokers seeking to quit. By allowing gradual nicotine reduction and providing a satisfying vaping experience, this device can potentially increase the chances of successfully overcoming nicotine addiction and achieving a smoke-free lifestyle.

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2. BLVK ELLO Plus 6000

BLVK ELLO Plus 6000

Another solid pick for people trying to give up smoking is the ELLO Plus 6000 from BLVK, a stylish disposable containing enough juice for up to 6,000 puffs that will help you fight against your urge to start smoking again.

The juice contains 50mg/ml of nicotine, and as well as the usual range of fruity flavors, this vape is also available in American Tobacco and Havana Tobacco flavors. This means, along with your nicotine fix, you can enjoy the sensation of smoking American cigarettes or Cuban cigars.

Most people who try these vapes are impressed by the quality of the experience, although some complain that the throat hit is a little weak for former smokers. A few also mention that the tobacco flavors are a little sweet, but that’s a matter of personal preference.

All in all, this is a great option for anyone who’s giving up smoking, and if that includes you, this could be the device that helps you beat your smoking habit.

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3. Freemax FRIOBAR MAX 10K


Although early vapes were designed to look as much like traditional cigarettes as possible, this style is far less popular than it used to be. Instead, now we have vapes that are available in a range of modern formats, and this model is a good example.

However, it’s not just about the way it looks and feels since it performs strongly too. Each vape contains enough juice for up to 10,000 puffs, and the juice contains 50mg/ml of nicotine to keep your cravings at bay.

There’s a display to tell you how much juice and battery is left, and when the battery runs low, you can charge it back up quickly and easily using a regular USB-C charger.

We also like the adjustable airflow feature that allows you to customize your vaping experience.

Our main complaint with this vape is that it’s only available in 10 flavors, so if you want more variety, you’ll probably have to look elsewhere.

Also, we find this vape has a slightly toy-like appearance – although while some might not like it, others will probably think it looks pretty cool.

In sum, this is an easy-to-use vape that packs a decent nicotine punch, making it another possible option for people trying not to return to tobacco cigarettes.

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4. Fog Switch 5500

Fog Switch 5500

The Mr. Fog Switch is a cool looking vape with a playful appearance that makes it attractive to look at and fun to use.

Its 15ml of juice means you can expect to get up to 5,500 puffs from each device before you need to buy a new one, and its 5% synthetic nicotine content ensures you won’t be left suffering from withdrawal symptoms if you’re trying not to smoke.

It incorporates a 650mAh battery with decent life that means you don’t need to stop to charge it up too often – and when it runs low, you simply plug it in using a regular USB-C cable to top up the power.

As with a few other brands, we find the flavor varieties a little limited, but the ones on offer are tasty, so there’s plenty to keep you going for a while.

This is a vape that has everything you need to help you stay off the cigs – and if that’s what you need, this is another winner.

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5. Oxbar Magic Maze Pro 10000

Oxbar Magic Maze Pro 10000

This is a device from Oxbar with an original and striking appearance – it looks like a small perfume bottle, so it’s the kind of thing that people will notice when you pull it out for a vape.

It’s available in a wide variety of flavors, and importantly, the juice packs a respectable 50mg/ml of nicotine to help keep your urges to smoke at bay.

It’s also marketed as the world’s first disposable with adjustable wattage, allowing you more control over how you vape.

One issue that some people have reported with this vape is that the battery life is a little disappointing – although this could be due to the adjustable wattage and subsequent increased power consumption, so this is understandable.

Otherwise, this is another of the vapes we would recommend to anyone quitting smoking since it’s just the kind of thing that will help you kick the habit for good.

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6. Snowwolf Mino 6500

Snowwolf Mino 6500

Snowwolf is one of our favorite vape brands for the range of high-quality devices they produce, and if you’re trying to kick your smoking habit, the Snowwolf Mino 6500 is as good a device as any to help you achieve your goal.

Compact, convenient and stylish, it’s just right for slipping into your pocket or into your purse. Yet despite its diminutive size, it still carries enough juice – with 5% nicotine content – for up to 6,500 puffs.

It’s also a great device for producing big clouds of vapor, which is something else former smokers will likely enjoy.

However, one slight issue is that some people might not find the flavors quite strong enough, although for others, they’re probably just about right.

As we said, Snowwolf is among our favorite vape brands, and as a result, we’re sure most people will be more than satisfied with this vape, whether they are trying to quit smoking or not.

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7. Horizon Binaries Cabin 10000

Horizon Binaries Cabin 10000

With 20ml of juice that provides up to 10,000 puffs of high-quality delicious juice, Horizon Binaries Cabin is another vape that we like a lot.

However, there’s another reason we’ve included it on our list of vapes for quitting smoking – and that’s because it comes with several options in terms of nicotine strength.

This means you can start with the 5% version and then move down to 3% when you’re ready. After that, you can move down again to 2% – and then you can try quitting nicotine altogether if you so choose when the time comes.

This means by using this vape, you can gradually wean yourself off nicotine, eventually switching to a nic-free vape, which may be just the solution many people need.

On the downside, this vape doesn’t exactly have the most inspiring appearance – although that’s probably not your primary concern if you just want to quit tobacco.

So if you’ve tried other methods to kick your habit and none have worked, you may find this vape is the one that finally helps you leave cigarettes and nicotine in the past.

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8. WAKA SoPro PA10000

WAKA SoPro PA10000

Disposable vapes that come with varying levels of nicotine are relatively rare – usually, you would have to use a refillable device that allows you to choose your own juice – which is why the WAKA SoPro PA10000 is another obvious pick for this roundup.

Like the Horizon Binaries vape above, this device is also available with 5%, 3% and 2% nicotine content, so it’s perfect for weaning yourself slowly off this highly addictive chemical.

It’s also comfortable to hold and easy to use, so it will give you something to occupy your hands when they’re itching for a cigarette.

Our only issues here are the slightly plain appearance of this vape and the limited number of flavors – but again, if you’re more worried about stopping smoking, this will only be a minor concern.

As a result, this is another vape that more than earns its place on our list and one that we recommend as an option if you’re trying to stop smoking and start leading a healthier life.

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9. So Soul Nola Bar 10000

So Soul Nola Bar 10000

The So Soul Nola Bar 10000 is another popular vape among those who are trying to quit smoking, and for us, it’s also another obvious choice to include in our review.

It comes loaded with enough juice for up to 10,000 hits, and with 5mg/ml of nicotine, it’s another one that will be able to satisfy your cravings.

This is a particularly striking device visually, so it’s a good option for any style-conscious vapers out there, and the range of exciting flavors is sure to provide you with many hours of vaping pleasure.

One negative to mention is that this device is a little bulky, so it’s not the best option if you want something small, discreet and portable.

That said, for its looks, ease of use, delicious flavors and suitability for helping people quit smoking, this is another vape that gets our seal of approval.

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10 . Spiritbar Katana BP10000

Our Top Pick

$34.99$14.99 (Free Shipping, 2-6 Days Delivery)

  • Full-Screen Display
  • Smooth & Boost Adjustable Two Models
  • 25ml E-liquid Capacity
  • 50mg Strength
  • Up to 20000 Puffs

If you’re trying to quit smoking and are using vapes as a way of weaning yourself off your cigarette addiction, you need something that will occupy your hands and replicate the feel of puffing on a cigarette while also delivering a sufficient nicotine hit to satisfy your craving.

This is why this Katana BP10000 from up-and-coming vape brand Spiritbar is our top pick in this category because it meets all of these requirements and then some.

It’s a stylish vape reminiscent of the iconic Japanese katana sword that’s comfortable to hold and easy to use. The eight flavors of juice all contain a respectable 50mg/ml of nicotine, which is plenty to deliver your nicotine fix.

The juice also provides a good throat hit, replicating the feel of smoking, so as well as giving your hands something to do and delivering a hit of nicotine, it also feels as close to smoking as possible.

Even better, because the device comes loaded with 18ml of vape juice – enough for up to 10,000 puffs – you won’t need to replace it nearly as often as you’d need to buy a new packet of cigarettes.

The only downside for us is that the number of flavors is currently fairly limited – and for former smokers, there’s no tobacco flavor.

However, this aside, we think this is a great device for anyone who wants to give up smoking, making it an obvious choice for our number one pick.

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A healthy option to replace tobacco cigarettes

Our Top Pick

$34.99$14.99 (Free Shipping, 2-6 Days Delivery)

  • Full-Screen Display
  • Smooth & Boost Adjustable Two Models
  • 25ml E-liquid Capacity
  • 50mg Strength
  • Up to 20000 Puffs

For many people, switching to vaping can help them quit smoking, allowing them to give up something that’s known to be extremely damaging to our health.

For us, the best picks are the two devices from Spiritbar due to their style, convenience and ease of use. However, that said, if you want to stop smoking, any of the other vapes in this review could also prove to be the solution that helps you kick the habit.

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